I Know I'm an Ice Cream Cake, but What Are You?

So, seeing as how I'm a huge fan of dessert (no meal is complete without it, in my opinion), I couldn't resist taking the "What Kind of Cake Are You?" quiz. Yes, it's silly, but considering my stomach's growling and I'd love a giant slice of chocolate cake right about now, it seemed like the right thing to do.

You Are an Ice Cream Cake

Surprising, unique, and high maintenance.

You're one of a kind, and you don't want anyone to forget it.

You're fun in small doses, but it's easy for people to overdose on you!

The funny thing about this is that while I love cake, and I love ice cream, combining these two yummy treats just leaves me cold (err... no pun intended there). But the quiz-makers are probably right on with their overdose comment. *sigh*

So, spill it -- what kind of cake are you?


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Blogger Fiona Jayde said...

I'm Red Velvet Cake.. And I'm not ashamed to admit - I have no idea what it is...

Do you remember when Baskin Robbins had a pizza shaped ice cream cake? LOL

Maaan, now I'm hungry...

7:59 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

I've never had red velvet cake either, but I've seen it. All I know about is that the inside is... well, red. And I think maybe there's some chocolate ganache frosting? Not sure -- that could just be wishful thinking. :-)

And oddly enough, I don't think I've ever seen Baskin Robbins' pizza ice cream cake. It didn't come in pepperoni flavor, did it?


9:38 AM  
Blogger Dawn Montgomery said...

Red Velvet cake is just white cake with a TON of red food coloring. It turns your lips and teeth red ROFL.

This is what mine said:
You are Strawberry Cake:
Fresh, sassy, and romantic.
You're a total flirt, who never would turn down a sugary treat.
Occasionally you're a bit moody - but you usually stay sweet!


5:06 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

Red food coloring? THAT's the secret?! Geez... why don't they just call it Red Food Coloring Cake, then? LOL Red Velvet Cake sounds so... fancy and elegant for something that stains your teeth.

Love that Strawberry Cake description. I can totally see that about you. :-)

9:33 AM  
Blogger Lyndi Lamont said...

Lacey, OMG, that ice cream cake is so you. :D

I'm chocolate cake (what a surprise?)

"Fun, comforting, and friendly.
You are a true classic, and while you're not super cutting edge, you're high quality. People love your company - and have even been known to get addicted to you."

Don't know about that last part, but I'm definitely friendly. These quizzes are fun and so clever.

Oh, one of my local supermarkets had Red Velvet Cake, but the ingredients included chocolate and my teeth didn't turn red. It was good.


9:36 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

Ha! I'm not sure how to take that, Lyndi... You're saying I'm high maintenance and you get tired of me quickly? *g*

I can totally see you as chocolate cake, though!

Classy? Check.
Fun? Check.
Comforting? Check.
Friendly? Check.
People love your company? Check some more. :-)


9:48 PM  
Blogger Dawn Montgomery said...

LOL I know what you mean about the cake! That was a really fun one to do. :)

7:30 PM  

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IMDB's Top Box Office Hits

It's no secret I'm a huge movie buff, so when I saw this fun game making the rounds in the blogsphere, I had to join in.

RULES: This is IMDb’s top 25 all-time box office hits. Bold the ones you saw in theater, italicize the ones you saw some other way instead, and leave the unseen ones alone.

1. Titanic (1997) $600,779,824
2. Star Wars (1977) $460,935,665
3. Shrek 2 (2004) $436,471,036
4. E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) $434,949,459
5. Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) $431,065,444
6. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006) $423,032,628
7. Spider-Man (2002) $403,706,375
8. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) $380,262,555
9. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) $377,019,252
10. Spider-Man 2 (2004) $373,377,893

11. The Passion of the Christ (2004) $370,270,943
12. Jurassic Park (1993) $356,784,000
13. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) $340,478,898
14. Finding Nemo (2003) $339,714,367
15. Spider-Man 3 (2007) $336,530,303
16. Forrest Gump (1994) $329,691,196
17. The Lion King (1994) $328,423,001
18. Shrek the Third (2007) $320,706,665
19. Transformers (2007) $318,759,914
20. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) $317,557,891
21. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) $313,837,577
22. Iron Man (2008) $311,708,133
23. Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) $310,675,583
24. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (2007) $309,404,152
25. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) $309,125,40

Wow. Of the top 25, there's one one I haven't seen (and have no interest in seeing). And of the 24 I've seen, I watched 21 of them in the theater. Hmm... I think that means the top 25 list is made up of pretty recent movies, overall.

What about you? How many of these have you watched?




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My TBR (To Be Read) Shelves

I know... I've teased you all endlessly with mention of my TBR shelves, which, at last count, held over 2000 books. Currently, they're empty -- but don't panic (heck, I'm trying not to, but I still hyperventilate when I look at my beautiful and very lonely shelves), my books are still in boxes.

I took some pictures before leaving Austin, and I thought it was time I stopped teasing you, and started showing you I really mean it when I say I'm a book addict. Ready? Here goes (click on pictures for larger versions):




Yes folks, once again, those shelves only hold books waiting to be read. And yes, I do occasionally wander into that room and complain about having nothing to read.

I should mention that the books are, of course, alphabetized by author. And those little shelves within the shelves you see? They're custom-made additions built by my grandfather so I could double the amount of bookshelf space I have.


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Blogger Robin Snodgrass said...

I love your shelves and it looks like a comfortable place to relax. Thanks for sharing. But I did notice that you still have room to add more books. *G*

8:41 PM  
Blogger Fiona Jayde said...

Wow Lace! I LOOOVE shelves.. Nothing makes me happier then rows and rows of shelves filled with books:) Looks like a great place to curl up and read or be inspired to write!

9:44 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

I thought I had a huge TBR pile, but nothing like that!! My husband finally built me a huge bookcase on one of the walls in our bedroom, because everything else was full of books with no more room. I wish I had the room for something like that.

7:30 PM  
Blogger Caffey said...

I so love the room Lacey!! Those shelves are awesome as well as the cozy chair, its just what I want. Just waiting for mine to move and make room, LOL

1:02 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

Robin - There's ALWAYS more room for books. Even if I have to start stacking them in piles around the bed (which I've done before -- surprise, surprise, hubby bought me bookshelves! LOL)

Fi - It is! I always write better surrounded by my books. :-)

Judy - I'm almost embarrassed to admit this, but we always get a place with one more room than we need. As hubby tells people, "That's where the books live."

Cathie - Aaah, aren't husbands wonderful? :-) I adore huge bookshelves, and I think they make the bedroom look even cozier than it already is. I mean, who wouldn't want to spend more time in bed when surrounded by books? Oh, okay, and it probably doesn't hurt that hubby gets more "bed time", too. *g*


3:50 PM  

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HELP! I'm turning into a... a... *pantser*!

Those of you who know me know I'm a die-hard plotter. Character charts. Full, scene-by-scene outlines. Research in advance. The works.

Yeah, well, I have a secret confession. I can't work that way anymore, and facing that fact somehow manages to scare me to death and excite me beyond belief all at once.

Photo by: the trial

I'm not sure what's changed. Maybe I have. The last year has been insane, forcing me to go through some major, life-changing, ups-and-downs. After not writing for a while, I came back to my work enthusiastic and energetic... only to stall in the beginning stages of drafting an outline. I panicked, outlined again... and stalled. So I cried (seriously), outlined again... and stalled.

And then, one day, I said "Fuck it." (Really. I did.) I remembered reading a book that praised writing prompts and their effect on creativity. At that point, I had nothing to lose so I figured why not give this a shot? After all, nothing else I'd tried seemed to work.

I chose a headline from my daily newspaper at random, skipped reading the article altogether, and started writing. Before I knew it, I had a character who intrigued me, in a situation that damn nearly broke my heart. "Aha!" I thought. "Now I can outline." And I did. Only to start writing the story itself, and find my outline was as far removed from the words pouring on screen as Harry Potter is from Anna Karenina.

The really scary part? The stuff coming out on screen was much, much better than the crap in my outline. And I thought it was a pretty good outline to begin with. Guess that'll teach me. Now, every day I sit in front of my computer, I approach the story with a giddy enthusiasm that makes butterflies stir in my stomach. Butterflies? Damn. I haven't felt butterflies in years.

Now, for the first time ever, I'm discovering the story along with my characters. Some days, scenes brew in my mind. Other days, they appear as though out of thin air while my fingers hit the keyboard. When I find myself overwhelmed by questions I figure I should know the answers to, I stop, grab a notebook, and start free-writing. On the characters. On the story. On possible explanations for things that happened in the past, or things that may happen in the future.

I have no idea when the story will end. Or how. Oh, I have a vague hope it might end up where I think it will, but oddly enough, I find myself not caring much if it doesn't. I trust my process. My pantser process.

Not long ago, the word "pantser" would have made me break out in hives. Now, I'm tentatively embracing it, and my newfound creativity (and productivity) along with it.

Are you embracing your process? Or do you fight it, hoping it'll magically morph into something resembling The Hero's Journey instead of The Insomniac Writer's Plight?


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Blogger Belinda M. said...

Poor Lacey! That reminds me of the first time I went "Outline...you mean I'm supposed to do an outline???"

Welcome to the evolutionary process! Its kinda fun, not knowing what's going to happen next!

7:35 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

"The evolutionary process" -- I love that! Extremely fitting, too, since I kinda feel like I'm the one who's evolving here. :-)


7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I tried to outline and do all the charter plotting but it just didn't work for me. As you say I just sit and write. Sometimes I get ideas at night then the next day I just start writing. Like yesterday I had a big day. The night before the hero was screaming for me to write this way and I did. It just goes eaiser for me.

7:55 PM  
Blogger Robin Snodgrass said...

When I first thought about starting to write seriously, I had no idea that you needed to "outline" your story. I've always written for myself and it never occurred to me not to just let it all happen as I went. I have always liked learning the story right along with my characters. It can be very exciting - especially when a character just takes over and leads you somewhere unexpected. LOL

7:58 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

Robin and Suzanne, very insightful comments. It's interesting that you both just started to write when you felt like trying your hand at writing a book.

Me? I panicked. A lot. And then I spent months whining to hubby that I wasn't creative enough to write a book. I mean, how would I ever get from "It was a dark and stormy night..." to "The End"? What about all the in-betweens? What's supposed to happen? How will I know?

So whenever I thought about writing that way, I froze. That's when I started picking up books on writing fiction. Lots and lots of books. And I didn't attempt to write a word until I'd devoured at least a dozen of them. That's why I began as a plotter (though interestingly enough, I've never thought about this before!).

Now, almost five years later, I trust myself to write a story. I know I can develop multi-layered characters, come up with interesting plot twists, and somehow manage to tie it all together. I guess I was just lacking the confidence you guys had all along. :-)


8:04 PM  
Blogger Lyndi Lamont said...

Lacey, your process may be changing or this particular story may just be a gift from the muse, but either way, I'm glad to hear you're happy with your writing again. :)

Linda, still a plotter

8:58 PM  
Blogger Tarot By Arwen said...

We are a mix. We tend to start and then flesh out with an outline or more like a map of "well, we want to be there so how do we get there from here?" And then off we go!

9:39 PM  
Blogger beth kery said...

Wow, Lacey, sounds like you've been struck by a bolt straight from above. I'm excited for you. Nice to hear you're having fun on your journey, even if it is a little scary.

I don't know for sure if I'm a plotter or a pantster. I do both, one more than the other on each successive project. I'd love to say I've discovered a comfort zone, but I really haven't. Every book is a mixture of toil and delight.

3:24 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

Linda - Thanks! I'm not sure what it is... Maybe something inside my head got knocked loose after my dry spell. Who knows? I'm not questioning, just going with the flow. I'm writing a LOT these days, and that's what matters. :-) Hope your muse is being good to you!

Arwen - That's pretty much what I'm doing, too, so I guess it's not fair to say I'm a total pantser. I know, roughly, where I'd like to end up. But if I'm trying to go from point A to point B yet find myself at point F instead, well, that's OK, too!

Beth - I really like the way you phrased that: "Every book is a mixture of toil and delight." It really is, isn't it? And as long as the story makes its way onto the page, what else matters?


5:37 PM  
Blogger Dawn Montgomery said...

Congrats on getting through the dry spell. LOL. Becoming a panster would terrify me on a primal level, but I have no doubts you are doing great!

I started writing the same way you did...devouring writing books first LOL. Maybe that *is* why I plot first...

Congratulations on embracing your new freedom :) and I can't wait to see how they come out. Hope you're getting settled in again.


4:58 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

Dawn -- Thanks, sweetie! Things are finally getting back to normal around here. It took a while, but I'm starting to feel settled in.

As for the pantser process, well, to be perfectly honest, it's probably closer to a half-pantser process. I still know where my scenes are going (roughly) before I sit down to write, and I have an overall story arc that stays in the back of my mind, but my muse has free reign to do whatever she wants, even if that means throwing out the entire plot arc as I go along. I've gotten through two books this way -- so far so good! :-)

9:31 AM  

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Naughty Stage Actresses and Ghost Stories

I've talked about inspiration before. I get ideas from everywhere: newspaper headlines, books, movies, tarot card spreads, you name it.

I've had a story idea running loose in my mind for a few months now, which came to me when I dealt a story spread using a brand new Tarot deck. The story revolves around a theater actress and her sex-scapades.

The problem? I know nothing about the theater world. Oh, sure, I've been to the theater, but that's not the same as knowing what goes on behind the scenes. So I've started doing research. A little here, a little there, trying to learn a few things about the life of a stage actor.

In my research, I came across an article on London's Haunted Theaters, and it struck a chord. Twisting my naughty actress story into an erotic ghost tale would certainly add a little spice to my premise.

Photo by: oaspetele_de_piatra

From the ghost of Joseph Grimaldi, whose head is said to haunt the Theatre Royale, to Lyceum Theater's William Terris, who died in the arms of his leading lady, it seems there's no end of inspirational material to fit the theme.

I'd love to hear from you. If you know anything about the theater world you think might be useful to me, or if you simply want to let me know how much you like ghost stories, leave me a comment!


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Blogger Dawn Montgomery said...

What do you wanna know, hon? Shoot me an email. :)

6:52 PM  
Blogger Lacey Savage said...

Oooh, I had no idea you were a theater babe. :-) I'll definitely shoot you an email when I start planning out my story in earnest.

Thank you!


11:59 AM  
Blogger Dawn Montgomery said...

Any time!

7:33 PM  

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